Offender Phone Information

This site provides information on how to receive calls from offenders at the Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC).

The NDOC has contracted with Viapath Technologies to provide calling and account billing services to offenders. Recipients of these calls may include friends, relatives, and attorneys.

Friends or family can fund calling accounts using a direct-dial "voice response" (IVR) number, a web-based portal, or by contacting Customer Support agents. Called parties can make payments directly to an offender's calling account or take advantage of a Prepaid Collect calling plan to accommodate calls to cell phones or accounts with credit issues.

**For details on previous telephone services through Securus – click here **

Available Services

Prepaid Collect Account

Outside parties create and fund a prepaid AdvancePay account through Viapath Technologies.

ViaPath Technologies - ConnectNetwork


Call: 1-800-483-8314 to set up an account through Viapath’s automated phone system or 1-877-650-4249 to speak to a Viapath Customer Care representative; or Visit:

Traditional Collect Account

Calls are billed to you on your local telephone bill if permitted by your local phone company. This account may be subject to a 90-day rolling spending limit and monthly fee as determined by your local telephone service provider.

Offender Debit Account (Under Development)

Offenders may use money from their NDOC Trust accounts to purchase debit calling time through the Offender Services Commissary Section located at their facility.

Direct Bill Account (attorneys and bail bondsmen only)

Accounts are set up through Viapath; calls are billed directly to attorneys and bail bondsmen only.

Viapath Technologies


Call: 1-800-483-8314 to set up an account through Viapath’s automated phone system or 1-877-650-4249 to speak to a Viapath Customer Care representative; or Visit:

Video Visitation (Juvenile Offenders Only)

Visiting Information


The following restrictions may be applied by the NDOC to offender phones:

  • Limits on length of calls or calling availability hours.
  • Limits on number of offender calls or total monthly call minutes.
  • Call monitoring, recording, and offender voice validation (in order to place calls).
  • Blocks on types of phone numbers (such as 800 numbers) or selected phone numbers.
  • Temporary or permanent denial of phone usage rights based on disciplinary problems, gang affiliations, or requests by a called party.
  • Restrictions vary at each facility; it is recommended that the facility where the offender is housed be contacted to verify restrictions.


NDOC offender telephone rates and commissions

Commissions received from the offender telephone services are not used to fund the Inmate Welfare Account (IWA) and not to reduce NDOC’s operational costs (e.g., custody staff payroll, offender-driven expenses, utilities, etc.). The IWA is used to provide services for all offenders including but not limited to satellite TV services, recreational program equipment and supplies, and law library services. The IWA also funds several services for indigent offenders including medical costs and release assistance.

Facility Name

Caller ID Phone #

Jean Conservation Camp (JCC)


Casa Grande Transitional Housing Center (CGTH)


Northern Nevada Transitional Housing (NNTH)


Warm Springs Correctional Center (WSCC)


Northern Nevada Correctional Center (NNCC)


Stewart Conservation Camp (SCC)


Florence McClure Women's CC (FMWCC)


High Desert State Prison (HDSP)


Southern Desert Correctional Center (SDCC)


Three Lakes Valley Conservation Camp (TLVCC)


Lovelock Correctional Center (LCC)


Ely State Prison (ESP)


Carlin Conservation Camp (CCC)


Pioche Conservation Camp (PCC)


Wells Conservation Camp (WCC)
