Board of State Prison Commissioners |
06/27/2024 01:00 PM | Nevada Room -
Nevada State Business Center, 3300 W Sahara Ave -
Las Vegas Old Assembly Chambers -
State Capitol Building, 101 N Carson St -
Carson City | | | |
The public are permitted to attend at either physical location and provide public comment. |
Administrative Regulations Workshop |
05/29/2024 10:00 AM | Suite 4412 -
Grant Sawyer Bldg, 555 E Washington Ave -
Las Vegas Room 2135 -
Nevada State Legislature, 401 N Carson St -
Carson City | | | |
The public are permitted to attend at either physical location and provide public comment. |
Board of State Prison Commissioners |
03/14/2024 10:00 AM | -
3300 W Sahara Ave -
Las Vegas Suite 5100 -
101 N Carson Street -
Carson City | | | |
The public are permitted to attend at either physical location and provide public comment. |