Administrative Regulations: 400 Series

400 Series - Institutional Management Effective Date Last Review Date
AR 400 General Security/Supervision Guidelines 03/14/2024 03/19/2013
AR 401 Post Orders 02/12/2010 05/06/2014
AR 402 Emergency Mobilization of Off-Duty Staff 01/05/2012 05/06/2014
AR 403 Institution Security Inspections 11/13/2009 01/26/2015
AR 404 Emergency Situations 05/16/2017  
AR 405 Use of Force  11/16/2016  
AR 406 Use of Chemical Agents 01/05/2012 05/06/2014
AR 407 Use of Handcuffs and Restraints 06/27/2024 03/18/2014
AR 410 Key Control 04/08/2011 01/26/2015
AR 411 Tool Control 06/17/2012 10/20/2014
AR 412 Armory Weapons and Control  11/16/2016  
AR 413 Perimeter and Gate Security 09/16/2014  
AR 415 Control Center 06/17/2012 10/20/2014
AR 417 Inmate Passes 05/20/2010 10/20/2014
AR 418 Count Procedures TEMPORARY 11/02/2022 10/24/2014
AR 420 Inmate Death or Serious Injury Procedure 03/07/2017  
AR 421 Prison Rape Elimination Act 03/14/2024 02/08/2024
AR 422 Search and Seizure Standards  11/16/2016  
AR 423 Institution/Facility Entrance Procedure 03/07/2017  
AR 424 Request for Law Enforcement Assistance 06/17/2012 10/20/2014
AR 425 Handling and Storage of Personal Weapons 09/16/2014  
AR 430 Transportation of Inmates - TEMPORARY 03/09/2018  
AR 431 Transportation of Inmates to Court   08/30/2017  
AR 432 Transportation of Inmates for Medical Treatment 05/16/2017  
AR 440 Fire Safety 01/14/2016  
AR 443 Hazardous Communication and Control, Use of Toxic, Flammable, and Caustic Substances 01/14/2016  
AR 446 Identification of Inmates Affiliated with Security Threat Groups and Disruptive Groups 01/14/2016  
AR 449 Bombs and Bomb Threat Action Plan 06/17/2012  
AR 450 Preventing, Apprehending and Reporting of Escapes 05/16/2017  
AR 452 Hostage Situations  03/01/2018  
AR 453 Natural Disaster Plan 11/13/2009 10/20/2014
AR 454 Adverse Weather Procedure 06/17/2012  
AR 455 Use of Handcuffs and Restraints on Pregnant Inmates has been incorporated into AR 407 03/18/2014  
AR 457 Investigations 10/15/2013  
AR 458 Crime Scene Preservation and Investigation 09/16/2014  
AR 460 - Security at Community Hospital  05/15/2018  
AR 483 Pest Control 09/16/2014  
AR 484 Sewage and Waste Disposal 09/16/2014  
AR 486 Preventive Maintenance 04/08/2011 05/06/2014
AR 487 Maintenance Requests 05/19/2015  
AR 489 Responding to Regulatory/Internal Inspections 09/16/2014  
AR 490 Institutional Sanitation and Inspections 05/19/2015  
AR 491 Inmate Substance Abuse Testing 05/19/2015  
AR 492 Inmate Body Cavity Searches for Contraband 09/16/2014  
AR 493 Energy Conservation 01/14/2016  
AR 494 - Transgender and Intersex Inmates - TEMPORARY 02/05/2020